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OSHA Standards Classes
10 Hour General Industry Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards Outreach Course
This course discusses several subjects including introduction to the Occupational Safety and Health Act its history, OSHA recordkeeping, walking and working surfaces, el the Occupational Safety and Health Act electrical safety, emergency planning and fire prevention planning, machine guarding, personal protective equipment and ergonomics.
Materials provided include: A student manual. On completion of the course, students will receive the 10 Hour OSHA card.
Recommended audience: Safety and health staff members, supervisors and managers, safety leaders including safety committee members.
30 Hours General Industry Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards Outreach Course
This course discusses the Occupational Safety and Health Act and its history and OSHA enforcement procedures. OSHA standards are explored in detail including those addressing walking and working surfaces, emergency and fire prevention planning, hazardous materials, hazard communication, lockout/tagout, personal protective equipment, permit-required confined space entry, electrical safety, machine guarding and material handling.
Materials provided include: A student manual of over 200 pages and an easy to read copy of the OSHA General industry Standard. On completion of the course, students will receive the 30 Hour OSHA Standards Card.
Recommended audience: Safety and health staff members, supervisors and managers, safety leaders including safety committee members.